Special Service of Healing for All Souls Day
Our Special Service of Prayer for Healing will commence at 20h00hrs on Thursday 2nd November and will be led by Clive and Linda Billenness
Although all the words of the service, including those of the reading will appear on-screen. We invite you to respond using the words printed in yellow. During the readings of the names of those for whom we pray, there is a time for you to name out loud at home anyone who is not included in our service but for whom you wish to pray for God's Healing Touch
Our next Service of Prayer for Healing with be a special service, and will be broadcast on Thursday 9th November 2023 at 8pm. If you would like us to include anyone in our Service, please send their first names only to
healing@ourchurch.fr by 18:00 on Monday 6th November 2023.